Amy Winehouse Foundation

Notre collaboration avec la fondation continue de célébrer Amy Winehouse et son style inimitable. Notre toute nouvelle collection s'inspire de l'icône de la musique britannique, de sa garde-robe estivale légère et de son obsession pour les légendes très glamour des années 60.

Nous continuons à contribuer à la Amy Winehouse Foundation à chaque collection, afin de soutenir le travail vital de cette organisation caritative officielle.

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Fondée par la famille d’Amy en 2011, la Amy Winehouse Foundation a pour mission d’aider jeunes et enfants à développer leur estime de soi et leur résilience pour s’épanouir pleinement. À travers ses programmes scolaires de sensibilisation et Amy’s Place, un foyer de convalescence unique pour les jeunes femmes, la fondation encourage les jeunes à s’exprimer librement, à développer leur résilience et à obtenir le soutien dont ils ont besoin pour s’épanouir.

20 % des recettes nettes perçues par Fred Perry pour sa collection Amy Winehouse Foundation seront reversées à la Amy Winehouse Foundation (association caritative immatriculée sous le numéro 1143740). En 2023, les donations se sont élevées à 425 438 £. Depuis le début de notre partenariat, nous avons fait don de plus de 2,4 millions de livres sterling.

Amy Winehouse Stories


Set up by Amy’s family in 2012, The Amy Winehouse Foundation helps to prevent the effects of drug and alcohol misuse on young people. Amy’s Place is a recovery home for young women overcoming addiction.


Named one of the best, if not the best albums of the 21st Century, Back to Black was the seminal album from Amy Winehouse, whose honest lyrics and unique voice captivated the world over.

We reflect on the anticipation of its launch in 2006 with an interview by Laura Jones, who happened to meet the singer one night in a north London nightclub and, perched on the sinks in the men’s toilets, was fortunate enough to grab fifteen minutes with her. The image of Amy was captured on a Nokia handset.

January 2020 Beyond Black – the Style of Amy Winehouse

The GRAMMY Museum’s new exhibition showcases Amy’s most iconic fashion moments, as well as objects from her personal archive

COLLABORATION How Amy Winehouse is Still Inspiring Women in Music

As we launch our decennial Amy Winehouse collection, BRICKS talks to four female rising stars on Amy’s legacy, style inspiration and reclaiming vulnerability in songwriting.

AMY WINEHOUSE FOUNDATION Celebrating 10 Years of Fred Perry x Amy Winehouse Foundation

Amy Winehouse fit Fred Perry like rhythm fit the blues. That the collaboration between Winehouse with the timeless fashion house continues to soar in popularity almost a decade since her death renders her as unforgettable an icon of British style as Fred Perry itself.

AMY WINEHOUSE FOUNDATION Fred Perry x Amy Winehouse Foundation

Rooted in Amy’s original designs for us, our collaboration with the Foundation celebrates the icon’s everlasting legacy.